The 10$ softbox

Hey guys,

today I thought I was going to share a little DIY i made to prepare for the photoshoot with the Cabaret Versatile last week end.

I am going to try to teach you how to build a softbox for less than 10$.

Hdere we go, first of all I early had the lamp socket. I bought 2 used softboxes from a friend a while back, and he gave me a spare head like this one. Only problem, I did not have any modifiers for it. So I decided to build my own. Because I already had 2 big softboxes I went for a small, more transportable one.

I had a spare head like this.

I went to home depot and found this really cool plant pot in the gardening section

I simply had to cut a hole in it to make the head fit inside, I use the light head to trace a circle of the same diameter at the back of the pot and cut it with cisors.


I then hot glued some aluminium fold on the inside of the pot (for reflection)

To finish it I used a piece of white fabric that i cut a bit larger than the size of the pot, I put Velcro on the fabric and the side of the pot. (hot glued and stapled on the pot and a sewed the other half on the fabric) 

I use economical 5000K bulbs inside, it takes a bit of time to warm up but the results are pretty cool. 


And there you go, the most expensive part of this tutorial was the pot that i found for $8 at home depot. I tested it on the field and the lights from it looks great.  It is a very cool portable complement to my 2 other softboxes.

Hope you enjoyed!



Christmas Holidays in Western USA

Howdy everybody,

today i'm going to share with you a few pics from the trip we did with the family for Christmas.

We started our road trip in LA (where my wife and I live) heading to Las Vegas, we then took the road 66 to Williams, AZ and ended up in the Grand Canyon National Park.

It was a great time to take pictures and despite the bad weather in the Grand Canyon (we had a bit of a grey day) I think we still came back with some keepers.

Anyway, here are the shots, I hope you'' like them.

Which one is your favorite? Let me know what you think, I am planning a big printout session soon!



Yet another great photoshoot with the Cabaret Versatile demoiselles!

Hi guys,

long time no post, luckily I've been pretty busy recently photography wise: between the christmas holidays we spent in the West Coast US and some shoots for the Cabaret Versatile girls the year started out great.

Today is about one of these photoshoots. Miss Lola Ohlala, Cabaret Veratile director wanted to have some pictures that could be posters and flyers material. 

So we took the girls and improvised a photoshoot in her garage.

So we took the girls and improvised a photoshoot in her garage.

I had an awesome time with the crew here, i almost felt like a professional photographer.

Lola was my hair, make up and overall shooting director, my brother Tim helped me a lot with lights and backgrounds while Marion worked on the clothes. Not forgetting Nick who was busy fixing all the props!

What a good time, we had a blast and here are some of the results:

Make sure to go on to follow them!