Introducing Jeremy 2.0

Hola amigos,

Today I decided to have a little fun with myself (no disgusting joke intended).

I worked on a project I called "Jeremy 2.0"

Obviously the guy on the right is... me. And it is always a shock to see myself in pictures. I started working out about 8 weeks ago but there are still a lot of efforts to do!

So to motivate myself, let me introduce the future Jeremy:

He is taller (6'1), has 2 arms and 2 legs that actually work. He is also 15 pounds lighter and packs a bit more muscle!

Available at your favorite retailer soon.


Another cool headshot for a friend

Hi everyone,

It looks like headshots might become a real thing for me now. A friend of mine needed a new one for a role he is trying to get and so we setup a time early his week to shoot.

This was a good occasion for me to test out the Sony A7 in real conditions as well as practise my skills in lighting.

Now, I am not someone who shoots a lot, for example this photoshoot was only 38 shots. Out of it, my friend picked 10 (hey 1/3 ratio is not too bad!)  that he liked and one that was the clear winner.

From then a bit of post processing and here is the result:

Headshots Steven May 2014_001.jpg

I used my trusty Vivitar 135mm f2.8 for this shot. I had one main light at full power on his right side and a second light for filling the shadows at 1/5 of the power.

The great thing about shooting men is that retouching in generally easier than with women. The skin texture is expected to be rougher and veins actually give character to the person.

All in all a good experience for me, I am really happy with the results and the A7 did the job perfectly. It looks like I will have to add a new section for headshots in my portfolio.

Don't hesitate to shoot me a comment if you need to update your profile or resume picture as well!


There is nothing like a print

Photography is meant to be printed.

I am reminded of that everytime I get a new print from the labs. Today I got a 3 piece canvas from a scene I took in the Gand Canyon.

There is nothing like seeing your picture on such a big frame, the screen simply cannot compete with it.

For this one I actually used a groupon I got with the guys at Canvas on Demand, and honestly for the price I am really happy with the results (I got it for 50$ instead of more than 300$ it was a great deal!)

So here is my advice to you, if you are a photographer or simply enjoy taking nice pictures, get your photos printed, it's totally worth it! 


Having fun with the new gear

Hola hola,

it's amazing how my photography kit changed so quicly. I took a few shoot today with my new Sony A7 and the Rokinon 14mm f2.8 wide angle lens. And guys, this combo is really fun to shoot.

I am trying to get into architecture and real estate photography and I this this combination will be very good for that use.

In the mean time here is a fun pic I took with it

