Creating mood with black and white

Hola amigos,

today I am going to talk about my explorations when post processing photos.

I took this one in Mexico in Monte Alban near Oaxaca. These ruins are really impressive but unfortunately I could not get there under perfect lighting conditions.

Since it was june and this is the rainy season, I got a lot of clouds. It's not necessary a bad thing as I immediatly thought it would look good in black and white.

Now black and white can mean many things, there are a lot of possibilities with it.

Here are 2 of my favorites conversations for this one. (click on the picture to see them bigger)

One is very contrasty, the other one is smoother and a bit moodier.

Converting to black and white is not just about removing color, it gives you the occasion to either go really high contrast or smoother, highlight different areas of the pictures and give an overall different feeling from the original one.

I tend to use Silver Efex Pro from Google to convert to black and white as it gives me a good starting point with their very good presets.

Which one do you like best? moody or contrasty? or color maybe?

Let me know in the comments, it's always good to see people's opinion.
